"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." 1 Peter 3:3-6

Friday, October 8, 2010

Dimond High School Homecoming

Apparently, playing the judging role suits me well as I was asked to be a float judge at the Dimond Homecoming game. It turned out to be a beautiful, warm fall (yes FALL!) day with gorgeous sun and not a cloud (or raindrop) in sight. I was able to have my girls there with me, and of course, my hubby was there as the Student Government Advisor so it was for sure, a family affair. Doing events with my family is my favorite! I love when they're able to come along and share in my fun.

The floats brought back lots of High School memories for me (though I remember most of my Homecomings involving snow or sleet and being REALLY chilly!) The Sophomores were probably my favorite, and not just because I'm partial to Harry Potter, but because I thought they did the best job with their costumes, characters and set. They portrayed lots of different elements on their float and did it well. The Senior's Avatar float was my second favorite. I mean, you have to give them credit for being willing to paint their whole bodies with blue tempura paint a few hours before the Homecoming dance!

The Homecoming game festivities also included a presentation of the Homecoming Court. It was a please to get to give some fashion advice to these young ladies (even if they didn't all exactly follow it!) and to get to know some of the teens who get to spend their days with my husband. I enjoyed helping them decorate for the dance that morning and loved working the front door at the dance because I got to see everyone's dresses as they came in. I wish they would have given me score sheets for THAT!

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