"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." 1 Peter 3:3-6

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Military Family Reception/ ATT&T Holiday Tree Lighting

I was invited by Anchorage's First Lady, Lynette Sullivan to be a part of a holiday reception for military members and their families and the Town Square Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony on Thanksgiving weekend. Hundreds of military personnel and their families gathered at the Performing Arts Center for food and drinks, free gifts, crafts, entertainment and even Santa Claus for the kiddos.
I had a fabulous time manning my station, doing crafts and visiting with the kids and their families. I especially enjoyed talking with all the little girls dressed up in their fancy Christmas dresses. I was so touched by the stories they shared and am so grateful to these families for the sacrifices they make in order to protect the freedoms we enjoy as Americans. Many of these families were spending Christmas apart from their loved ones, while others were getting to spend just a week with their deployed spouse or parent for the Holidays. I can't imagine full-time parenting without the help and support of my husband and I commend those who are left no choice due to deployment. I was happy to take the time to thank these families for their service.

After the reception, over 1,000 people gathered on a chilly Anchorage night to watch as Mayor Dan Sullivan lit the Town Square Holiday Tree. I always enjoy events that allow my family to join me and the Tree Lighting Ceremony certainly was one such family friendly event! My family, bundled up and joined me at Town Square. As the festivities started, I had the opportunity to visit with Jackie Purcell, local weather forecaster and former Mrs. Alaska judge. It was fun to chat with her and share about my year as Mrs. Alaska. She helped determine my fate as Mrs. Alaska and it was great to share with her what I've been doing with the honor. A choir from a local Elementary performed some songs as well as a skit. Then, the big guy himself, Santa, arrived, pulled by a team of eight live reindeer! My family was thrilled to get to meet Santa's team after the tree lighting.

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