"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." 1 Peter 3:3-6

Monday, June 28, 2010

Going Green (and Gold!)

I’m very blessed to have the University of Alaska Anchorage as one of my generous sponsors this year. Chancellor Fran Ulmer put me in touch with Julia Martinez, Senior Director of alumni Relations and Annual Giving and after just one meeting I was delighted by her joyful personality and her obvious passion for the University, its students and particularly its alumni. Julia is working hard every day to improve and promote the image of UAA, its education programs and college experience in a way that will encourage our local graduates to attend UAA as their University of First Choice.

As both an ASD and UAA grad I’m grateful for folks like Julia who are striving to improve the experience and opportunities our local educational institutions offer to our students. I attended UAA as a UA Scholar after graduation from Dimond High School and felt that I could receive a sufficient education here at our own state university and didn’t feel the need to travel outside the state to complete my college education, despite the fact that almost all of my friends did so. I felt that my family and home were here in Alaska where I planned to make a future and a life for myself (and someday my family.) I had no intention of living my adult life anywhere else and have no plans to be leaving anytime soon. As a teacher, I blossomed under the tutelage of my professors, especially those in the Early Childhood and Education departments and emerged from college with a teaching job already waiting for me. I’m so grateful for all of those at UAA who took and interest in me as a student and had an impact on me as a teacher, and more importantly, as a person.

Part of Julia’s job is to connect UAA Alumni in the community and promote the great things they’re doing. I’m really excited to have the support of UAA and the camaraderie of Julia. One of the things UAA’s doing to support me is outfitting me with some UAA gear to wear around, especially to Nationals. Julia and I met with Pat at the UAA Bookstore for a little shopping date and boy, was it a blast. Who knew having a personal shopper could make picking out a new wardrobe so fun-and easy! Pat sure does know her merchandise and she was awesome at picking out some items that would be perfect for various occasions. And kudos to Pat for her great taste. The bookstore sure does have some super cute stuff. It’s got such a better selection than when I was at UAA, then again I did graduate 7 years ago! I’m proud to be a UAA Alumni and I’m proud, and grateful to have them on my sponsorship team this year.

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