"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." 1 Peter 3:3-6

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

4th of July

I had the opportunity to be in both the Anchorage and Chugiak 4th of July parades this last weekend. What a fun contrast and such a great showing of Alaska's diversity and uniqueness. I started off my day by joining Treeline Construction on their float in the Anchorage parade. As always, downtown was just bustling with excitement and patriotism. It was fun to spend the morning with friends and their families and I especially appreciated being able to include my girls in this event. The parade wrapped up, we hiked back to the car, hit the road, grabbing some lunch along the way.
Sycely was twice as fortunate, as she got to go out to Chugiak with me for the parade out there. She was just tickled to get to ride in a real horse and carriage like Cinderella. We were joined by Miss Chugiak/Eagle River, Kimberly Mauser, and Miss Chugiak/ Eagle River Outstanding Teen, Bianca Temple. We had a fun time getting to know each other, talking pageants and waving to the crowd.

It was really great to get to experience two very different celebrations of our Nation's independence in two different communities. Anchorage was a full-blown festival with all the inherent activity and noise of bouncy houses and funnel cakes, where Chugiak's celebration gave me the opportunity to take in the majesty of this unique land we live in. It got me reflecting on how grateful I am to live in a land of peace and freedom and how grateful I am to all of those who have helped establish and protect those freedoms. Being surrounded by the beautiful creation of the mountains, valleys, rivers and trees was such a contrast to the hustle and bustle of City life in Anchorage. Chugiak showed up in full-force the last leg of the parade and were such a fun crowd whose excitement was clearly evident.

I had a great experience at both parades and am thankful for the invitation to join Treeline Construction and the Horse Drawn Carriage Company for this special celebration of our Nation's independence, freedom and foundational history.

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